During this leisure time at home though I have stumbled across A's itune's folder. Just so you know, the criteria to make it into this folder does not amount to good music or classic bands. It seems as long as noise is being made and it can play through the speakers, there is a good chance it will make the itunes folder. Which brings me to my next point of the garbage music that use to be cool growing up. Although I did find some gems hiding amongst the rubble that I was happy to stumble upon. Among these were not the Spice Girls though, why this is in the itunes folder is a beyond my comprehension. The best thing these girls could produce was the rumor that scary spice had an adams apple. Which I still believe to be true.
I am intrigued though at the way music shapes an era, how it shapes our individual lives and how one song takes you back to a place that seemed forgotten. I Go Back by Kenny Chesney takes me back to high school, a time in life that was easy and well missed. Just as Bananas in Pajamas by.... the yellow dancing bananas in the show, takes me back to when I was younger and use to see the commercials for them on TV. Not that I ever watched them, that's neither here nor there though. I was merely intrigued by the eclectic group of artists held within this folder that seem to follow no music genre or music quality. One cannot be biased though when choosing music, certain times require certain music.
This certain time requires one more dominant song by the Spice Girls before they get deleted for good.
SPICE UP YOUR LIFE....... Screech
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