Monday, February 21, 2011

Presidents Day/1971/Denise Richards/Wild Things/Kevin Bacon/BOOM

I know a lot of people complain about our government and think that they are just crooked schmucks that don't get anything done, but I would like to take a minute and step back from that and say thank you to our fine congress of 1880 and 1971.  Two pivotal years in American lawmaking.  In 1880 our fine congress (hopefully powdered wigs were still in) decided that Washington's Birthday (George not Isaiah) should be a federal holiday.  So thanks to them here I am, sitting in the m chair on this fine Monday morning drinking Starbucks, typing this blog, and watching the NBA All-star Fantasy Draft on DVR.  In fact adding those three together could make this about the most pointless and unproductive combination of activities possible.  Unless of course I added in Wii Fit, that shit is worthless.

So we all see what was so special about 1880, the passing of one of our ten glorious federal holidays, but what about 1971?  No it's not Denise Richards being born, but you are close.  This is when we decided why always have a holiday on February 22nd?  So it took us 100 years to figure out that we are wasting precious vacation time when that date falls on a weekend.  Plus, everyone knows getting a wednesday holiday kinda blows.  So we decided to move it to the third Monday of February.  Genius.

I believe the official name of the holiday at least in some states is Washington's Birthday, but that sounds shitty and typically holidays are reserved for people that don't have wooden teeth so we just go with President's Day (I am pretty sure the wooden teeth thing is a myth and I can't decide if that makes me happy or utterly disappointed).  Either way, now Taft and Fillmore can get a little love which is good even though I am not sure that  can confirm that they were actually presidents.

So there is your history lesson for the morning.  Reviewing what we have learned today:

-Wild Things is actually a good movie.
-Wii Fit does not count as working out.
-There are no Holidays named after Grey's Anatomy stars (Is stars too strong?)
-I should still be sleeping.



Unknown said...

I'll bet the Wild Things movie doesn't measure up to the book...they never do.

Now go watch Pirate Radio and do something worthwhile today.

Triple Distilled Opinions said...

There's a book? Are we talking the same Wild Things?


Unknown said...

until I start running on the federal holidays schedule I will not thank 1880. 1971 I'll thank.

Triple Distilled Opinions said...

I like how you called it the m chair... The truth is there are no words to describe the love that chair has seen, the countless hours it spent with us during our times of need. I shutter to think the human race could ever find a word so perfect that it releases the true meaning of.... The m chair.


Unknown said...

Why I thought you were so innocent to be watching a movie based on the loveable "Where the Wild Things Are" I do not know...

Triple Distilled Opinions said...

Maybe down the road I will take some time to compare and contrast the two.


Unknown said...

I must say I am we will just have to see how long this lasts

T-Man Fan said...

You clearly forgot about Lincoln's birthday, 2/12 which President's Day also celebrates.

Triple Distilled Opinions said...

In some states they call it presidents day but I was never officially changed to that name by the us government. In fact they tired in 1968 to change it in order to incorporate lincoln's birthday, but it didn't pass (like Carmelo). So technically it is still washingtons birthday. They just wanted it to be on a Monday.