Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I Whip my Hehehehair Back and Forth

So I cannot stand Sarah Palin...  I don't feel like bringing political views into this blog at this point so we will steer away from controversy and only attack her personally.  But seriously, is there a voice out there that is more annoying than hers?  I don't think so...I would rather listen to Woody Woodpecker do a speech. 

Wait did she actually do the voice work for Woody Woodpecker?!?  Regardless her voice is a disaster.  Then we have her thirst for attention that only compares to Eric Northman's thirst for Sookie's blood.  So Kathy Griffin has a nice little history of making Palin jokes that simply are not that funny.  Big deal...  Sarah gets all worked up and suddenly we have this new mutualistic relationship of pure annoyingnessity.  They just keep feeding off each other to stay in the spot light.  If one keeps their mouth shut, they both fade away into idiocraty, or well mediocrity.   Just the other day the old grizzly bear had her latest of  dumb quotes:

"You know, Kathy Griffin can do anything to me or say anything about me, because you know…  she's a 50-year-old adult bully, really is what she is," Palin said. "She can do those things to me…  I would just ask for respect of my children. As she had stated on CNN that her New Year's resolution was to destroy my 16-year-old daughter, that takes it a little too far.”  She even came with the old fashioned challenge...“Kathy pick on me, come up to Alaska and pick on me, but leave my kids alone,” 

Griffin did specifically say that she was going to go after her 16 year old Willow.  I find this relatively comical, but not because Kathy Griffin is funny, rather that Willow is a funny name.  I wonder if Palin's Willow whips her hair back and forth.  I wonder if Sarah should give that song a listen... "Hop up out the bed turn my swag on / Pay no attention to them haters / Because we whip em off."  I digress...

What is amazing (and what makes my head hurt) about this whole feud is that Palin eggs it on so much.  I just want to slap her and say, "Listen bitch, you are a public figure with a, well interesting family.  C level comedians are going to make jokes about you.  Ignore them!  What are you, a freaking drama starved 12 year old?  Or are you genius and you realize that fighting these little battles the only way for you to keep a final shred of relevance?" "Oh, really? Ok, well then carry on." 


I guess I can't really blame either woman for doing what they have to do to stay in that last little piece of the spotlight.   I just really hope this Presidential candidate thing doesn't come down to Palin vs. Hickabee in 2012(please tell me we haven't regressed that far).   I think I would have to choose not to vote if my choices for the GOP we a Racist Southern Baptist Minister from Arkansas who is is hypocritical and insensitive or a Thin Skinned Woodpecker from Alaska who names her kids things like Willow and then wonders why they get picked on.  I trust that this won't happen but if it does I will have no choice but to write in my 2012 choice for president: Nickelback for President 2012. 


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