Here's to the crazy ones... the misfits; the rebels; the troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do, is ignore them; because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
I haven't posted in awhile and for that i apologize. Life seems to get in the way of any productive activities outside of work.
I wanted to post this though because recently in my life there have been happenings that have transformed my life and redirected the way my life is going. I like this quote because it says exactly what I think about life. I perceive it in a way that maybe others don't. But perhaps they should.
It is never too late to chase your dreams or take a different road. You start out somewhere in order to get to a final destination. Every step in life is a move in a direction towards a final goal. To have the tenacity and the drive to do the undesirable and the needed in order to shape the world you want is a brave thing indeed. The world was not shaped by the common man, or the being that chose to stay the most traveled path. It was formed by the misfits, the rebels that realized things could be different. Things could be better and so chose to take action, to propose a new way of doing things. This is how the wheel got invented, this is how we are flying through the air. Man would have never set foot on the moon if man never thought it possible or reasonable. To follow the crowd is to give in to human nature; to belong. Break the mold, be who you were born to be and grasp the idea of individuality. Embrace the strange and unknown, or forever be placed in the world of the faceless man.
The world needs more thinkers, doers, and achievers. If you are not one of these, no worries, bask in the glory that someone out there has more heart to do what is needed to advance in life. Be complacent with the way things are. It is only your life, do with it what you will.
As for me, I choose the path of the unknown, show me the un-treaded jungle. I will face it with machete in hand and the will to move what is needed. It is the movers and the shakers that rattle this world of ours. Blend in or be known.
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